Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Rules

Every rule that you will ever want to know on Captivating Magic.

Sub-boards: Rules, Chatterbox rules, Adult Rules, Children Rules, Character ages

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: Rules, Chatterbox Rules, Adult Rules, Student Rules, Character Ages

8 8 Hogwarts Ages
by Shay
Jul 9, 2012 4:44:26 GMT -5
No New Posts Applications

This is the three steps with the applications process. Your application should be posted in the pending area.

If you are declined, it will be located within that board with a reason posted.

If accepted, you will find your character in the accepted board and then you are able to post in the character boards. Once you post within the character biographies your application will be deleted!

Sub-boards: Pending Applications, Declined Applications, Accepted Applications

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: Pending Applications, Declined Applications, Accepted Application

9 13 Character Application
by Shay
Jun 17, 2013 1:15:07 GMT -5
No New Posts Absent

If you have to go away, be sure to give us all a heads up and post that your going here.

Moderator: Shay

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No New Posts HP Handbook

Everything you want to know about HP

Moderator: Shay

8 8 List of Potions
by Shay
Jul 9, 2012 5:43:58 GMT -5
No New Posts Networking

Feel free to place an advertisement for your site at any time. (note: if you are linking back an advertisement please label with [lb] in the title.

Sub-boards: First time,Linking back

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: First time, Linking Back

24 24 Fate/Orbis Telos
by Swirls
Jun 27, 2016 19:54:03 GMT -5

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Extras

Extras for your character

Sub-boards Relationships, Character plots, wanted characters, Student Journals, Canon list

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: Relationships, Plots, Wanted Characters, Character Journals, Canon List

3 4 Hunter's Family
by Hunter Morris
Jun 21, 2013 12:12:22 GMT -5
No New Posts Sign Ups

Any sign ups can be found here.

Sub-boardsCharacter Alignment, Wand, Face claim, special abilities, prefects, quidditch teams, school clubs, owls, howlers

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: Alignment, Wand Registry, Face Claim, Special Abilities, Hogwarts Prefects, Quidditch Teams, School Clubs, Owls, Howlers

12 31 Official Registry
by Shay
Jun 21, 2013 10:22:58 GMT -5
No New Posts Accepted Characters

Once you are accepted in to Magical Minds, your applications will be placed here as profiles. You may decide to add some color and flair or additives to them once they have been moved here. All profiles, from students to professors are found here.

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: Gryffindor Characters, Hufflepuff Characters, Ravenclaw Characters, Slytherin Characters, Adult Characters, Other Characters

39 39 Morris, Hunter
by Hunter Morris
Jun 20, 2013 23:36:31 GMT -5
No New Posts Thread Tracker

Track your character threads here!

Moderator: Shay

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No New Posts The Pensieve

Roleplay past experiences here about incidents that happened to your character.

Moderator: Shay

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Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Hogwarts Underground

As you enter the grand entry of this eccentric castle you see to the side a large almost chamber like doorway.

Descending down these stairs behind the door leads you to the underbelly of mazes which is the sub level of Hogwarts.

Dark torch-lit corridors twist and turn into rooms, crooks and a bundle of possible excitement just waiting to be revealed

Sub-boards Potions Classroom, Slytherin Common Room and Dormitories, Dungeon 5, Kitchens, Dungeon Corridors, Chamber of Secrets, Hufflepuff Common Room and Dormitories, Sub-level Corridors, Potion Master's Office

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: Sub-Level Corridors, Potions Classroom, Potion Master's Office, Slytherin Dorms, Slytherin Common Room, Dungeon 5, Kitchens, Dungeons Corridor, Chamber of Secrets, Hufflepuff Dorm, Hufflepuff Common Room

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No New Posts Ground Floor

This is the main floor of the whole castle. It is this floor which you enter into upon walking through the large wooden doors

Sub-boards Caretaker's office, Classroom 11, Staff room, broom cupboard, grand staircase, great hall, entrance hall

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: Entrance Hall, Great Hall, Grand Staircase, Broom Cupboard, Staff Room, Classroom 11, Caretaker's Office

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No New Posts First Floor

The deputy heads office is found on the first floor along with various classrooms, including; muggle studies, history of magic, and defence against the dark arts

Sub-boards Muggle Studies classroom, Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, History of Magic classroom, Deputy's office, Corridors

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: First Floor Corridor, Muggle Studies, History of Magic, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Deputy Head's Office

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No New Posts Second Floor

On the second floor there is the Ancient Runes classroom. There is also an old, ruined bathroom, which is haunted by a depressed ghost by the name of Moaning Myrtle

Sub-boards Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom, Ancient Runes,Corridors, DADA Office

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: Defense Against the Dark Arts Office, Second Floor Corridor, Ancient Runes Classroom, Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom

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No New Posts Third Floor

This floor has the Hospital Wing in, where you can go to heal yourself if you are injured or ill. The Charms classroom, the Trophy Room where you can view past awards given to students and the Armour Gallery

Sub-boards Hospital Wing, Trophy Room, Charms, Armoury Gallery,Corridors

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: Charms Classroom, Hospital Wing, Trophy Room, Third Floor Corridor, Armour Gallery

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No New Posts Fourth Floor

The fourth floor contains the Library, which is used by most of the students and staff of Hogwarts on a regular basis. The Arithmancy classroom and the Mirror of Erised room is also on this floor

Sub-boardsLibrary, Arithmancy, Study Hall, Hogwarts Times Office,Corridors, Tutor Hall

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: Library, Study Hall, Hogwarts Times Office, Arithmancy Classroom, Fourth Floor Corridor, Tutor Hall

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No New Posts Fifth Floor

The fifth floor contains the Prefects bathroom, etc

Sub-boardsPrefects Bathroom, Girl's Lavatory, Boy's Lavatory,Corridors

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: Fifth Floor Corridor, Boys Lavatory, Girls Lavatory, Prefect Lavatory

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No New Posts Sixth Floor

The sixth floor contains the Transfiguration classroom

Sub-boardsTransfiguration, Music Hall, Indoor Pool,Corridors

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: Sixth Floor Corridor, Transfiguration Classroom, Music Hall, Indoor Pool

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No New Posts Seventh Floor

The seventh floor contains the Divination classroom, which is through a trap door in the ceiling which you have access to by a ladder which is lowered when a class is expected. Also on the seventh floor is the Room of Requirement, otherwise known as the come-and-go room

Sub-boardsGryffindor Commons Room and dorms, Divination, Room of Requirement,Corridors

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: Seventh Floor Corridor, Gryffindor Common Room, Gryffindor Dorms, Divination Classroom, Room of Requirement

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No New Posts Towers

There are many towers at Hogwarts. One of which are common rooms and dormitories, Ravenclaw. The others are the Headmistress's office and the Astronomy tower

Sub-boards Ravenclaw Common Room, Astronomy Tower, Astrology, Divination, Owlery, Detention Room, Staff Residential Quarter, Ravenclaw Dorms

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: Ravenclaw Common Room, Ravenclaw Dorms, Staff Quarters, Head's Office, Detention Hall, Astronomy Tower, Astrology Class, West Tower Owlery

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No New Posts Precinct

The massive grounds of Hogwarts

Sub-boards: Front Gates, Courtyard, Lawns, Lake, Grounds keeper's hut, Vegetable Garden, Flower Gardens, Greenhouses, Herbology, Quidditch Pitch, Broom Shed, Locker Rooms, Flying Lessons, Whomping Willow, Stables, Care of Magical Creatures, Forbidden Forest

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: Flower Garden, Greenhouses, Locker Room, Broom Shed, Flying Lessons, The Whomping Willow, Stables, Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology, Vegetable Garden, Forbidden Forest, The Front Gates, The Courtyard, Lawns, Lake, Groundskeeper Hut, Quidditch Pitch

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Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Diagon Alley

Diagon Alley is a twisted cobbled street located at (or at least accessed on foot from) the center of London, which acts as the main shopping center of wizarding Britain. When shopping for those particularly tricky items (such as a Lunascope or a Nimbus 2000), Diagon Alley is the only place to go. While a number of wizard-related items can be bought from other places, such as Hogsmeade, Diagon Alley seems to be an important location for the wizarding populace of Britain.

Sub-boards:Apothecary,Cauldron shop,Daily Prophet Offices,Eeylops Owl Emporium,Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour,Flourish & Blotts,Gambol & Japes,Gringotts Wizarding Bank,Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions,Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions,Magical Menagerie,Ollivander's,Quality Quidditch Supplies,Second hand robe shop,Stationery store,Terrortours,Twilfit & Tatting's,Weasleys'Wizard Wheezes

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: Twilfit & Tattings, Terrortours, Stationery store, Second hand robe shop, Cauldron Shop, Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, Flourish & Blotts, Apothecary, Eeylops Owl Emporium, Gringotts Wizarding bank, Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions, Magical Menagerie, Ollivander's Wandshop, Quality Quidditch Supplies, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, Gambol & Japes, Daily Prophet Offices

4 6 Freedom [open]
by Hunter Morris
Jun 27, 2013 19:57:07 GMT -5
No New Posts Knockturn Alley

This is a dingy street that runs off Diagon Alley and is home to an altogether less salubrious class of wizarding shops. There are a number of others, selling shrunken heads, giant spiders, poisonous candles, and a vast array of other Dark Arts materials. The fact that items like these are openly on sale in a place accessible by any wizard is a plain indication that ownership and trading of such things is legal. It’s unclear, however, where the law stands on use of the items in question

Moderator: Shay

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No New Posts King's Cross Station

In northwestern London lies Kings Cross Station, a Muggle railway station that is one of the busiest in the city. It's a perfectly ordinary station, with big plastic numbers over each track and guards who have never heard of Hogwarts School . However, every September 1, as the clock overhead approaches eleven o'clock and the InterCity 125 pulls into platform nine, a strange crowd turns the occasional Muggle head. The crowd is wizarding children, bearing enormous trunks and caged owls, making their way toward - and then through - the solid metal barrier between platforms nine and ten .

Through this barrier, of course, lies Platform nine and three-quarters, home of the famous Hogwarts Express. There a look back at the barrier reveals it is instead a wrought-iron archway with the words "platform nine and three-quarters," and over the scarlet steam train billowing smoke, a sign announces that the Hogwarts Express departs at eleven o'clock. The platform also has a distinct smell - one which lifts the spirits of young wizards who, like Harry, look forward each summer to the start of term.

Though the platform is normally only used six days a year (round trips for the beginning and end of term, as well as the Christmas and Easter holidays), the platform on those days is awash with activity. Steam from the scarlet engine floods the platform as cats wind their way around the wizards' legs and owls hoot to each other , as hoardes of students and parents move around through the steam "like dark ghosts" , their voices carrying through the mist .

Finally, at 11:00, a whistle sounds announcing the train's departure , and the hiss of the pistons fills the platform as the train begins to move , creaking out of the station as family members stand on the platform and wave their children off to school . Nobody returns to the platform, then, for months - until the end of term, when it once again fills with wizards and a wizened old guard sits by the archway back to the Muggle world, making sure everyo

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: Platform 9 3/4, Hogwarts Express

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No New Posts Hogsmeade

Hogsmeade is the only village in Britain inhabited exclusively by wizards and witches. Hengist of Woodcraft built the village a thousand years ago in the shadow of a large, rocky mountain to hide from the Muggles who had persecuted him. The village consists of a High Street lined with thatched-roofed shops, surrounded by streets of cottages that become further apart as one gets further from the main village. As the only completely non-Muggle community, Hogsmeade has played a pivotal role in wizarding history in the country. It attracts all sorts of magical beings, like ogres and hags, who wouldn't blend in well in Muggle areas. Hogsmeade is not far from the school (about a thirty minutes' walk--twice as long if the journey is made through one of the two secret passages connecting it to the school). Hogwarts students in their third year or above can visit the village four times a year, one Saturday in each season.

Sub-boards: Dervish & Banges, Gladrags Wizardwear, The Hog's Head Tavern, Hogsmeade Station, Honeydukes Sweetshop, Madam Puddifoot's Cafe, post office, Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop, The Shrieking Shack, The Three Broomsticks, Zonko's Joke Shop, The Blue Palm, High Street

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: Dervish & Banges, Gladrags Wizardwear, The Hog's Head Tavern, Hogsmeade Station, Madam Puddifoot's Cafe, The Shrieking Shack, Post Office, Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop, The Three Broomsticks, Honeyduke's Sweet Shop, High Street, Zonko's Joke Shop

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No New Posts Ministry of Magic

The Ministry of Magic is located somewhere just below the surface of downtown London. To get to the Ministry, you must head for an old, shabby telephone booth down in a small graffiti filled alleyway. Once you get inside, pick up the receiver, hold it above your head, and dial 6 - 2 - 4 - 4 - 2. The voice of the receptionist fills the air. She first tells you to state your name and business. When you have been approved, you get a small silver badge that lists your name and business as stated. You are then told, if you are a visitor, to submit to a search and present your wand for registration at the security desk, which is at the far end of the Atrium. Then the telephone booth begins to descend like an elevator, finally arriving in a magnificent mahogany-panelled entrance hall with a highly polished, dark wood floor. Welcome to the Ministry of Magic

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: Visitor's Entrance, The Atrium, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6, Level 7, Level 9, Level 10, Ministry of Magic's Office

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No New Posts St. Mungo's Hospital

St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries is the wizarding hospital located in the heart of Muggle London, England. Patients go to St. Mungo's for a wide variety of reasons, ranging from common illnesses like dragon pox to more complicated ailments like spell damage and werewolf bites. Like all aspects of the wizarding world, St. Mungo's is hidden in plain site, disguised as a dilapidated, red-brick department store that Muggles see but largely ignore. Wizards or witches who are unable to reach St. Mungo's by magical transportation can enter through Purge and Dowse, Ltd. To Muggles, Purge and Dowse, Ltd. is nothing more than a rundown, old-fashioned department store that is always closed for refurbishment. The "store" boasts a window display containing "a few chipped dummies with their wigs askew, standing at random and modeling fashions at least ten years out of date". By leaning in and talking to one of the unsightly dummies, patients and visitors can gain access to the hospital, stepping directly through the magical store front and into St. Mungo's reception area

Moderator: Shay

Sub-boards: Ground Floor, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 , Level 4, Level 5

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No New Posts Azkaban Prison

Azkaban is the wizard’s prison where witches and wizards are incarcerated for their crimes. Located on a tiny island in the freezing waters of the North Sea, Azkaban is not like Muggle prisons that rely on iron bars and heavy security to keep their prisoners in line. Instead, Azkaban has some of the most fearsome creatures on earth guarding its prisoners, dementors.

Moderator: Shay

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No New Posts Residential Area

This area contains the homes of your characters if you so choose to have one! If so there is a board in Claims for having a board made for your characters

Moderator: Shay

1 5 Somewhere only we know *Albus
by James Sirius Potter
Jul 13, 2013 0:42:31 GMT -5

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Chatter

This is where you can chat about anything in general.

Moderator: Shay

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No New Posts Games

This board is for any games you may want to play for fun!

Moderator: Shay

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No New Posts Fanfiction

For anyone wanting to have their fanficstion read, have a favorite they would like others to read or others; post them here

Moderator: Shay

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No New Posts Graphic Center

This is basically the place where graphic makers/designer post their gallery for you to view and make requests if they want too

Moderator: Shay

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No New Posts The Filch Files

All the billions of compressed files that are locked away in those small looking filing cabinets in Filch's office home the old broken threads of our beloved site

Moderator: Shay

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